Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School Promoting British Values
We at Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School are proud to serve our community and promote the education, health and wellbeing of all our children and their families, by valuing and respecting everyone as individuals.The Department for Education states that there is a need: “To create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs”.
Children have a voice in school. The school council meet regularly to discuss issues children are having, such as playtimes, playground buddies, and reward systems. All children are encouraged to give their opinions through our themed curriculum and to show respect to others ideas and beliefs.
The Rule of Law
We have a clear behaviour policy, with rewards and sanctions which are displayed in every classroom, hall and playground. School has strong links with the Community Police, Fire Service and Safety Officers who regular visit school to help the children understand safety and respect for the school and wider community.
Individual Liberty
Children are encouraged at all times to make choices, be independent and have mutual respect for one another. They are able to do this in a safe environment they understand and feel confident in. Children are given responsibilities such as being class helper, line leader, playground buddy, register monitor, milk monitor, library monitor.
Mutual Respect and Tolerance of Those with Different Faiths and Beliefs
Incorporated in our key values of our Code of Conduct “Care, Courtesy and Commitment”, and our PSHE and RE curriculum, children are encouraged to have mutual respect for one another, learning about other faiths and developing a deeper understanding of their own.
Our themed curriculum ensures all the children have a wide range of experiences to develop their knowledge and understanding of the world in which they live, encouraging them to become Global Citizens, having respect for the care of world around them and of other faiths and beliefs. This enables the children to become part of a more thoughtful and caring community. The children are encouraged to challenge prejudicial and discriminatory behaviour through debates and anti-bullying lessons. Links with other faith schools and visits ensure children develop into more knowledgeable and tolerant citizens, increasing their understanding of the greater world around them.