Welcome to Year 3
The Year 3 Teachers are Mr Ankers, Miss Walton & Miss Skinner.
To see more about what we are looking at during each term, please click on the link below to see the full Y3 curriculum. This will show what your children will be looking at in each subject.
Our P.E. days are:
Autumn Term 1 - Tuesday & Wednesday
Autumn Term 2 - Tuesday
Spring Term 1 - Tuesday & Wednesday
Spring Term 2 - Tuesday
Summer Term 1 - Tuesday & Wednesday
Summer Term 2 - Tuesday
On these days, your child/children will need to come into school dressed in an appropriate P.E. kit.
The children must wear warm clothing in the colder months. With regards to PE kits, on their PE days, please ensure that your child comes to school in their PE kit with a plain dark tracksuit over the top.
PE kit includes:
White t-shirt
Plain striped black shorts
Black joggers
Black hoodie – with or without zip (with logo)
Black pumps
Your child can also wear leggings under their tracksuit for warmth if they wish. Please be advised, no football kits are allowed.
If you have any barrier to purchasing a suitable PE kit, please contact the Pastoral Team who will discuss how this can be resolved.
Children must not wear jewellery, including earrings, when participating in PE- for their own safety and the safety of others.
P.E. Topics :
During the year, we will look at Basketball, Gymnastics, Dance, Games and Athletics.
Homework is given on a Friday and expected to be returned, either handed in to the teacher by the following Tuesday. Spelling tests are held on a Friday. We also encourage the use of Times Table Rock Stars at home. The log in details for this will be sent out at the start of the year. If you require these details again, please contact the class email which can be found below.
To contact your child’s class teacher please email:
Mr Ankers & Miss Walton - 3aw@sacredheart.wirral.sch.uk
Miss Skinner - 3s@sacredheart.wirral.sch.uk